The College Board vs. Florida: A Continuing Battle Over Course Content

The College Board, responsible for administering Advanced Placement (AP) courses, continues to resist pressure from Florida to modify the content of its classes. This refusal came to a head with a stern statement released by the board, stating that they “[will] not modify our courses to accommodate restrictions on teaching essential, college-level topics.” This resistance, combined with Florida’s recent restriction on discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools, could ignite a showdown between the two parties.

Pressure from Florida

In a letter to the College Board, the administration of Governor Ron DeSantis (R) demanded the company audit its courses and identify any that may require modifications to align with Florida’s newly implemented laws. The focus lies primarily on a new rule that limits teachings on sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms through 12th grade. Interestingly, DeSantis previously mentioned that the AP African American Studies course wouldn’t be permitted in his state. Despite claims from the College Board that they were already considering changes to the course, the subsequent amendment provoked widespread criticism, with many accusing the organization of capitulating to DeSantis’s demands.

The College Board’s Response

In its rebuttal, the College Board, emphasizing that AP courses are designed to provide students with an essential foundation for their respective disciplines, targeted its response to the AP Psychology course. Notably, the American Psychological Association affirms that topics such as sexual orientation and gender identity are crucial components of college-level courses in the field. In its statement, the College Board expressed its concern for AP teachers in Florida, heartbroken by the possibility that the new laws might deny students the opportunity to participate in AP Psychology, among other courses. Despite the tension, the organization reiterated its commitment to preserving the integrity of all its 40 AP courses.

Prior Controversies and Future Expectations

The controversy surrounding the AP Psychology course follows a previous dispute over the AP African American Studies curriculum. After initial alterations in response to objections from conservative lawmakers, the College Board conceded that it had erred in its handling of the situation. The organization vowed to revise the course yet again to align it more closely with college-level teaching of the subject. Looking ahead, Governor DeSantis has threatened to re-evaluate Florida’s entire relationship with the College Board. His administration has requested an extensive review of all College Board courses. For further information on the teaching of psychology at a college level, you may refer to the American Psychological Association‘s website.

The Unfolding Battle: AP Classes Under Review

Given the state’s recent requests, the College Board is now likely to anticipate similar conflicts concerning other AP courses. With 40 courses spanning subjects from art to history to science, the possibilities are considerable. The heart of the matter lies in how schools and teachers interpret course content and how these interpretations align, or clash, with conservative regulations about discussing race, gender, and sexuality in the classroom.

Impact on Education

The ongoing dispute between the College Board and the Florida administration poses significant implications for education. The restrictions placed on discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity raise questions about how the freedom of academic discourse might be impacted. While schools are tasked with creating an environment conducive to learning, they also grapple with the need to comply with prevailing state regulations. In the context of AP courses, this situation could potentially limit students’ exposure to diverse topics, impairing their readiness for higher education. Advanced Placement courses are designed to replicate the rigor of college-level courses, preparing students for both the academic challenges of university and potential careers in their respective disciplines. The proposed changes could undermine this objective.

Support from the American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association (APA) has vocally supported the College Board’s decision to keep course content unchanged. Arthur Evans Jr., the APA’s CEO, criticized Florida’s demands as an attempt to censor an educational curriculum crafted by experienced faculty and AP teachers. This curriculum, he emphasized, reflects the current state of science and expectations at a college level.

Awaiting Florida’s Response

In this ongoing standoff, the next move rests with the Florida Department of Education. The department has been requested for comment, but a response remains pending. The response will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the future of AP courses in Florida. As it stands, the College Board’s refusal to modify the AP Psychology course signals its readiness to defend the integrity of its academic programs, despite political pressures.


The battle between the College Board and the state of Florida underscores the intersection of politics and education. As the dialogue between these entities unfolds, its impact on educators, students, and parents remains to be seen. The educational community is watching closely as this clash between academic freedom and state regulation progresses, the resolution of which could have far-reaching effects on AP classes and the broader educational landscape.

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