New Rules on Bathroom Access for Transgender Individuals in Florida State Colleges Spark Controversy

The Florida State Board of Education made a contentious decision on Wednesday, mandating that workers at state universities must use restrooms that match their gender at birth. The rule specifies severe consequences for non-compliance, stating that termination will follow a second offense. Application to Student Housing This rule doesn’t just apply to faculty and staff;…

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Florida’s Orange County Public Schools Implements Controversial Transgender Policies

The Orange County Public Schools in Florida, which includes the Orlando area, revealed major policy updates affecting their transgender teachers, staff, and students. These new rules are based on two fresh laws of the state. The changes will come into effect right away and will impact over 200,000 students. This new development makes it one…

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Federal Judges Strike Down Bans on Gender-Affirming Care in Arkansas and Florida

Two federal judges have recently made groundbreaking decisions by rejecting statewide bans on gender-affirming treatments for transgender youth in Arkansas and Florida. These rulings deliver significant setbacks to these legislations. Arkansas’ Gender-affirming Treatment Ban Struck Down This Tuesday, Judge James M. Moody Jr. declared Arkansas’ “Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act” unconstitutional, putting the kibosh on…

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